January - Garnet
The word Garnet comes from the Latin word Granatum meaning ‘Pomegranate seed’.
It represents faith, trust and consistency.
Romans used garnets to engrave portraits.
Ancient warriors believed garnets brought them victory.
This Gem stone is a great gift for friends or loved ones who are about to go travelling or on a long journey.
February - Amethyst
Amethyst is a Quartz stone and comes in the colours purple, violet and blue.
The stone is meant to represent stability, peace, balance and courage.
In the middle ages it was used to symbolise Royalty, using the stone as decoration.
Medieval European soldiers wore amethyst to battle to keep them cool headed and safe from danger.
March - Aquamarine
The word Aquamarine comes from the Latin word Aqua Marinameaning ‘Water of the Sea’.
It is meant to represent safety and security.
The most prized colour Aquamarines are deep blue.
Aquamarine is a Beryl which is the same family as Emerald.
The Greeks in 480 to 300 BC used Aquamarines as amulets etched with the sea god Poseiden.
Some people believed that the stone had been washed onto shore from the jewellery boxes of sirens.
April - Diamond
The word Diamond comes from the Greek word Adamas meaning ‘Invincible’.
Diamond is believed to represent enduring love, wealth, happiness and protection.
What is important about Diamond is the four C’s : 1.Colour 2.Cut 3.Clarity 4.Carat.
The stone can be found in all kinds of colours including rare ones such as blue and pink diamonds. More recently popular are theChocolate diamonds.
It is the hardest gemstone, with a score of 10 out of 10 on the Mohs hardness scale.
Diamond was worn by Greek kings in battles as a symbol of strength.
In 1200 France’s Louis IX established a law limiting diamond possession to only Kings and Royalty.
The Greeks believed diamonds were crystallised lightening, star splinters or tears of the gods.
May - Emerald
The word Emerald is derived from the Greek word Smaragdusmeaning ‘Green’.
Emerald is meant to symbolise re-birth.
It is believed to be worn by Babylonian and Egyptian royalties, for example Queen Cleopatra.
In the Crown of Andes which belonged to the last known King of the Incas in Peru, there were at least 450 emeralds in the crown.
Emerald is the stone for a couples 55th wedding anniversary.
June - Pearl
The pearl is believed to represent wisdom, integrity, purity and spirituality.
Ancient Greeks believed pearls dropped from Aphrodite when she emerged from the water.
Pearls are often a present for new born babies.
A popular stone for bridal wear.
July - Ruby
The word Ruby comes from the Latin word Ruber which means ‘Red’.
It is believed to represent health, wisdom, devotion and love.
Ruby ranges from red, orangey to purplish red.
The gemstone is a type of corundum which belongs to the same family as Sapphire.
Ruby is 9 out of 10 on Mohs hardness scale and therefore is great for engagement rings or those of everyday wear.
August - Peridot
Peridot is believed to represent power, trust, growth and protection.
The stone was said to be Queen Cleopatra’s favourite stone.
Greeks believed that Peridot gave royal dignity to its wearer.
Egyptians knew it as the gem of the soul.
September - Sapphire
The word Sapphire comes from the Greek word Sappheirousmeaning ‘blue stone’.
The stone is believed to represent truth, sincerity, consistency and purity of the soul.
In the middle ages clergy men wore sapphire rings to represent their connection to heaven.
Prince Charles and Diana and William and Kates engagement rings are Sapphires and Diamonds.
A Sapphire can be all colours except Red as this is a Ruby, however most people know the stone to be blue.
Sapphire is a type of Corundum.
This gemstone is very durable, with a 9 out of 10 on Mohs hardness scale, again making this great for an engagement ring or for everyday wear.
October - Opal
The word Opal comes from the Latin word Opalus means ‘stone of many elements’. It is also believed to be derived from the Greek word Opallious means ‘colour change’.
Queen Victoria made Opal a very popular gemstone in her day, as she loved to wear it.
Some people believed Opals fell from heaven in flashes of lightening.
The gemstone is believed to represent freedom and independence.
Opal can be black, blue or white.
There is around 3 to 10% of water in each opal stone.
November - 1. Citrine
The word Citrine comes from the Latin word Citrina means ‘Yellow’.
It is know as the sun stone.
Citrine is believed to represent wealth and gold.
Romans hailed Citrine as the stone of mercury, the messenger god.
Citrine is a Quartz.
Greeks believed Topaz had the ability to provide strength and power in times of need.
Blue and pink coloured topaz are the rarest colours.
Topaz is normally found as a colourless stone.
December - 1.Tanzanite
Tanzanite is very rare, as there is only ONE source in the entire world, located in Tanzania. The stones original name is Zoisite but Tiffanys renamed the gemstone to Tanzanite. Tanzanite is a relatively newly discovered gem stone, found in 1967.
Kate Winslet wore the heart shaped tanzanite surrounded by diamonds, named ‘the Heart of the Ocean’ in the film Titanic.
Turquoise is perhaps the oldest stone in man’s history, worn as talismans by Kings, shamans, and warriors.
The word Turquoise is derived from the French pierre turquoise meaning ‘Turkish stone’.
It is thought to bring protection and strength to its wearer.